Saturday, November 6, 2010


hey there! it has been a long time since i have last blogged! well, was busy studying for olevels. most of my papers are done and they were easy. hence, i am scared because there is moderation. hope de moderation will not pull me down so much! have three more papers to go. F&N , SS and Combined Science MCQ! after that, will be so free! i cant wait for that freedom! okays, gtg. have to study for F&N and SS. both together on monday. haiz! bye bye! ((: GOD BLESS ME! ((:

Thursday, August 19, 2010


hello :) ! hahax! didnt blog for long. tired, lazy & no tyme! haiz! well, i was so HAPPY ytd! A1! A1 for TAMIL! hehe! so DAMN HAPPY lor! my teacher, mdm uma's hardwork and my hardwork have been paid off! THANKS MDM UMA! appreciate your hardwork & encouragements 4eva! WOW! not even me most of my classmates aso! 8 distinctions! and 2 B3s! NOONE went below B3! awesome ryte?!? hehe! REALLY EXTREMELY HAPPY! more than that i have to THANK JESUS CHRIST! he is always BLESSING me! PRAISE YOU JESUS! since both PRIYA & ME got distinction, we went to SWENSENS to treat ourselves (lame ah! haha!)! food was AWESOME! & as as usual i ENJOYED myself being wid PRIYA! hehe! ytd was HAPPY, HAPPY & HAPPY! hehe!

haha! actually i did my english olevels oral too! it was okay! hope i did well! haiz! dunno lah! god bless me! but my mood was all abt tamil! too happy! that i didnt concentrate that much in oral! haiz! but i think i did quite okay! will leave it to GOD! i believe GOD will help me! :):)

well,now comes de worried part. today mr ong, principal came to my class to talk. he said we are not performing that well. true! haiz! got improve! now i am scared! two weeks for prelim and two months for olevel! am i prepared?!? not at all! haiz! i really got to get back to my studies! have to start now! no more delaying! i am NOT studying for PRELIM but i AM studying for OLEVEL!


well, really very long! haha! so shall stop here! and ya tomorrow DPA results! dunno how! haiz! if got tyme, will blog! if not! i think will blog like after olevels i guess! haha! okies,bye bye:):)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

SuPrIsEd WiD mY pReViOuS pOstS!!!

hey hi there!! well, long time since i blog ya.. guess wad, priya just told me that she is blogging.. which made me interested in blogging too.. hehehe! thanks priya! :)! btw i am just too suprised wid wad i have posted months before! i cant believe that i was so irritated wid my younger brother: HARICHANDRAN!!! heheheh! well, it is so normal for me to fight with him and say that i wont tok to him.. but in the end.. we will start talking!!! hahaha! that's call brother sister relationship ah!!! hahahahahaha! well, i love him!! cant hate him!! i aso LOVE every1 ard me too!!! hehehe!!! well, gtg now! got to do F&N coursework which i am lacking so much in!! muz finish that quickly and do other hmwks too!!! haiz!! so ya, bye bye!! will be blogging very soon i guess if got tyme!!! hehehehehe!!! :D

Saturday, February 6, 2010

SaDnEsS tUrNiNg InTo FrUsTrAtIoN!!!

wow, it has been a long tyme ever since i blogged... held wid lots of sch stuffs... so couldnt blog... sch has been great... god is always wid me... thanks and praises to be wid god... i love JESUS!!! today went 4 tamil essay competition... de title was so difficult... by de tyme i understood it... wow,,really took me long... but i managed to write seven pages of essay tat mdm uma wanted... but de problem is tat i dunno if i went out of point... hope i didnt... god pls help me... then came home... too tired... went to sleep... then mum woke me up and asked me to follow to shop... agreed and went wid her... as usual came home fighting wid my younger bro... ITS A PROMISE TAT I WILL NEVA TOK TO HIM!!! HIS BEHAVIOUR SUCKS!!! AND I HATE IT!!! my wonderful mum can support him ryte... next tyme dun ask me to fetch him... i wil not fetch him anymore... ur son ryte... care 4 hym and dun bother me in his stuffs... and dun worry i wil neva bother in his stuffs AND THERE WILL NOT BE ANY FIGHTS AT AS WELL NO COMMUNICATION!!! i m sure tat wil make u happy mum... but one thing i no... god told in de bible tat his children should love everyone... i will love u guys but no communication wil take place... AND NO FIGHT TOOO!!! have to go now... neva do any hmwk from morning... so now is de tyme 4 me to do... hahahaha... will blog when i got tyme... bb 4 now:)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

FiNaLLy DoNe WiD aCe-LeArNiNg!!!

haha...after a long tyme,,i finally manage to finish ace-learning... is actualli kind of easy but some quests are jux too annoying... hahaha... asusal went church today... today's youth service was nice... learnt many things... and ya,, i decided not to blog everyday as its abit stupid... tats wad i feel... haha... but dunno lor... now nid to eng... then go to sleep... hehehehe:)

Friday, January 8, 2010

NoT tIrEd! BuT sLeEpY!

wow,sia... 2day i seriously had de chance to tok abt rolex to my logistics team... and i 2day onli got to know they aso didnt lyke de way he behaves... hmmm, but i m lyke gonna ignore as fas i can since i m graduating tiz year... asusual i woke up in de morning 2 go 4 sch... all de STARS are suppose to mit affifah at 6.50... and i onli woke up at 6.05... crap ryte... then i quickly got ready and rushed asusaul... in de morning i was put in class since logistics cant clear up as de classes were being used... i went to 1G... chers said tat are rowdy and difficult to control... but actualli they were okay to me... i liked tis specific malay guy... he was so cute as he was lyke a younger bro to me... then after lunch went to PCCG room and cleared up de mess there... DE CANVAS AND TENT-TAGE STINKED TO THE MAX!!! since they were smelly,,, we went to wash them and dry them... i 1st tyme tried using fire hose... haha... they were nice to be used actualli... while we were walking back to the STARS room to take de canvas back to de PCCG room,,, mr aidil called us and asked us to help mr trevor lee... so went to help mr trevor... then mr trevor said give him some tyme... so we had nth to do... then a cher came to us (i dun his name :( ),,, he asked if we can help him check de marks... then we were lyke okay... and when mr aidil saw tat he said he is disappointed wid us... but in de end,, we manage to do finish de work tat was given by mr trevor lee... i jux dun understand mr aidil's reaction some tymes... but some tymes his reactions are hurting... i dunno if he realises it... then went back to PCCG room and folded back de canvas... then i and lava were teaching dawn, nissa, syafiq, dinah and ariyanita tamil... not bad the way they wrote wasnt bad... was good actualli... i 4got to take photos of it... finalli went to de hall de debrief... i think de chers are isnt tat happy wid our performance... but i m not too sure... but i was kind of irritated wid de chers... then came home showered and went to sleep... 2day aso neva go jogging... so sad lor :(... then woke up at 12 and ya so tis is de reason why i m bloging at tis tyme... haha :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

TiReD! tIrEd! TiReD!

wow,,i damn tired lor... 4rm morning till six was in sch 4 sec1 oreientation camp... tired!!! but it was fun too... i loved de kinetic war fair... got so wet... haha... i think tis year was beta... but de chers said last year was beta... so i aso dunno... hehe... really saw many kind of students 2day... some were nice... some were okay... but some were jux so irritating... i didnt really get irritated as i wasnt wid them 4 a long tyme... onli a short tyme actuall... many STARS were irritated and angry... some even cried... but i think all tis would mould them to be a good leader... came home after such a tiring day... 2day aso i missed jogging:(... 2moro muz go... jux saw sch magazine... it nearly made me cry... so sad... i m gonna miss every single person hu belong to teck whye family!!! especially my teachers (MISS PAUL!!! Mrs Dawn Quah, Miss Zhang, Miss Joanna Lim, Miss Kasturi, MRS VENA FOO, Mrs Tay Lay Bee, MISS KOMALA, MISS VANI, Mdm Jennifer, Mdm Siti, Mr Selvam... MR RALPH ROCHE!!!) and my dearest frewns (PRIYA!!! DASHENI!!! MADINAH!!! LAVA!!! VIKI!!! NISSA!!!) !!! Memories wid them were awesome... i jux love it... seriously gonna miss them :(... some sad memories would aso follow... tats normal too... i wish i will not lose their contacts... haha... i got 2 really do well in olevel... i m realli sleepy now... will blog 2moro... i will still be tired!!! haha:)